Sunday 23 September 2012

A day in Paris (aka T in Anna Oliphants footsteps)

Both Jeannie and I are massive Stephanie Perkins fans. We love the swoony-ness of her books and can't wait to *flail* over Isla and the Happily Ever After once it is out next year. Back in March we even managed to visit some of the places in San Francisco that are mentioned in Lola and the Boy Next Door.

So when I made plans to go on a daytrip to Paris (it's only 3hrs by train - Europe is awesome) for the Marc Jacobs Exhibit I was also thinking of visiting some of the places from Anna and the French Kiss.

Below the cut you'll find a massive picture spam from my time in Paris. If you have NOT read AatFK yet, be warned, you might get spoilt. Enjoy!