Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hello! Hallo! Ciao! Salut!

Where do we start? So there’s the two of us. And we are friends. Not just regular pals but we’re besties of the best kind. Kindred souls. Same Brain Theory, it’s all very scientific and kismet-y. But before we bore you with the tale of our girlmance (we totally just made that up!) we think the only relevant thing you need to know is that we have a lot of things we find funny, interesting, touching, disgusting, and incredible we’d like to share and because really, it’s just too good to keep to ourselves. Most of what we will share will come in the form of book reviews, television show recaps and/or reaction posts, fashion reviews of stuff we like (we are by no means experts but we know what we like), and at times we may even fangirl (Fangirling will only commence after proper and adequate warning is issued so as not to offend).  

A few ground rules: we will always keep things SFW and PG, because honestly, we have kids! (ok, only Jeannie does at the time of this writing and even though they are not old enough to surf the web yet, it’s only a matter of time before they uncover all our internet follies and we’d like for them to NOT know everything we do *eyebrow waggle* ifyouknowhatImean...) PG technically means “with Parental Guidance” which means there may or may not include mention of Jeremy Renner’s butt, but no naked pictures of such (we just lost all our followers!). Also, we don’t do hate here, so if you want to hate on something we post we will delete your rude and hateful comment. You know a blogger loses his wings every time a comment is deleted so lets all be respectful here, ok? And that’s it! We’ll keep it simple, keep you entertained (hopefully) and keep the bar open until 10pm. What? Nevermind.