Tuesday 5 June 2012

Pain, Ink, and Inspiration (Or “Jeannie Gets a Tattoo and Lives to Tell About It”)

So, I got a tattoo today. Really, nbd. Just kidding, it’s a HUGE deal! 

I’ve been thinking about getting one for the last 20 years or so but was never certain about what I’d get or where I’d get it. I’m really glad I waited because if I had gotten one at 19 I’d be stuck with a floral tramp stamp, I’m almost sure of it. So I approached getting a tattoo much like I approach most things, I wanted something that made me happy and something I could look at every day and be proud of. Basically, I just wanted to really feel like getting this would make it a part of who I am and what’s important to me. What’s important to me? My family, my kids, especially, books, the written word, creativity and fun. I wanted never to lose myself in what society thinks of me, whether it’s a career path I’ve taken or whether someone has labelled me “Mom” or “wife” or “geek,” I want a reflection of who I am to be evident in everything I do, essentially, make my life an inspiration of things that are important to me. I want to inspire. Inspire my kids to be good, kind sould, I want to inspire strangers to be courteous and thoughtful and I want to inspire... SHUT UP JEANNIE.

Really, people just want to know one thing: HOW BAD DID IT HURT?!