Saturday 2 June 2012

Daily "Squeeee!"

Today, I got a letter from New York. Seeing that I life in Germany I don't usually get mail from New York so I was of course curious to see what it was.

Inside was this: 

A letter with the Penguin Group header, "signed" by Dutton Books and a signed bookplate from John Green!!!

You probably wonder now how I came to get this so below is what happened.

The backstory: 
Back in June 2011, John Green announced that he would sign every copy of the first print of his new book The Fault In Our Stars (which is supermegafoxawesome and Jeannie will actually write a real review about it now that she FINALLY read the damn book). (See video here) This means about 150,000 books to be signed until November. So of course everyone went and preordered and anxiously waited for the book release in early January of this year.

As a big John Green fan I, of course, went a head and preordered the book. Sadly, my copy arrived unsigned, as did a lot of other copies order from Amazon UK and Amazon DE. John Green did something amazing tho. After signing all the books he went ahead and send out signed bookplates for everyone that preordered but didn't get his signature.

So this is the very much uninteresting tale of how I came to get a letter from Dutton Books. If you have NOT read The Fault In Our Stars yet (or any other John Green book) WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? In case you are still not sure if you want to read it, here is a video of John Green reading the first chapter and also the second chapter.

Review: If I Stay/Where She Went by Gayle Forman

If I Stay

originally posted here

 In a single moment, everything changes. Seventeen-year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall riding along the snow-wet Oregon road with her family. Then, in a blink, she finds herself watching as her own damaged body is taken from the wreck... A sophisticated, layered, and heartachingly beautiful story about the power of family and friends, the choices we all make—and the ultimate choice Mia commands.