Sunday 3 June 2012

Is Clarifying Randomness a Paradox? (or From “Pie to Glambert”)

People that follow both of us on Twitter keep telling us how funny our conversations are. Which confused us very much because this is just how we talk.

A typical conversation on Twitter between us:
@TheyCallMeT_: Tomorrow’s a holiday, I can sleep in!
@gojeannie: Great! Maybe you should eat pancakes.
@TheyCallMeT_: what is with your sudden interest in pancakes lately? You’ve had them three times this week already, once for dinner.
@gojeannie: They are nom good. Almost as delicious as Jeremy Renner.
@TheyCallMeT_: OMG, did you see the gif I tweeted you? It’s this Avengers/Glee AU where Tony and Steve are Blaine’s DADS. Isn’t that All Kinds of GREAT?
@gojeannie: SO PERFECT. I totally see it. Dude, I’m currently obsessed with nutella, did I tell you?
@TheyCallMeT_: are you putting them on your pancakes?
@gojeannie: ...genius! What would I do without you?

Conversation elaborated for dramatic effect, in the event of an actual twitter conversation between us there would be many more mentions of Jeremy Renner and/or Darren Criss. (only short excerpt, this convo could go on and on and on with talks about books, movies, tv shows, celebs, music, fashion, RL stuff ie)

Do you ever do that train of thought thing in your head where you think of something:


Then you take that thought and go to another level with it:

The crust is definitely my favorite thing about pie.

And from there it just kind of escalates into something that bears no resemblance to the original thought at all:

The word “crust” reminds me of that goop that’s in the corner of my eye in the morning after I’ve fallen asleep and forgot to take off my eye makeup.

And then it starts to frightenly devolve:

Eye makeup. Guyliner. I wonder what my hubs would look like wearing guy liner. Would he be more Adam Lambert or Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day?

And that’s how you go from pie to Glambert.

Well if that’s ever happened in your head then you kind of get where most of our conversations on Twitter can go. Not that we make any apologies for it, we just want to make you all well aware that following us or this blog may spiral your path of thinking into the depths of confusion. “WTF?!” is a perfectly logical reaction to most things we say. I do believe there was a conversation once about the taste of unicorns. I do believe we determined that they taste like Darren Criss. (Or was it Darren Criss that tastes like unicorns? We may never find out) Mmmm, Darren Criss...nom nom nom...

And...we’ve explained nothing. Yet, again.